Forms & Reports

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Culkin Water District
2970 HWY 61 N
Vicksburg, MS 39183
Phone, (601) 636-9124
FAX (601) 636-9153

General Manager and Board of Directors
John C. Gunn, General Manager
Fred D. Davis, President
Thomas Daniel Smith III Vice President
Chauncey Robbins, Treasurer/Secretary
Barry Roberston, Member
Charles Mendrop, Member

TO: Customers of Culkin Water District

From: Board of Directors

Date: August, 8 2016

Culkin Water District has recently installed a completely new automated meter reading infrastructure. With this new infrastructure, we have greatly increased the efficiency of the meter monitoring and reading process.

It is important that all customers be aware that tampering with the new meter can cause multiple problems within the new system. Damage to the meters can be caused unintentionally, so it is important that all customers be aware you should not attempt to do anything with your meter. Also, please be very careful when cutting grass or working around the meter box. If anything goes wrong with a meter or if it shows abnormal water usage, etc. this will be shown at the District office and you will be contacted.

Due to the expense of replacing or repairing these new meters, the Board of Directors has adopted a repair or replacement fee of up to $500.00 depending on the expense of repair or replacement. Each damage incident will be investigated individually. The above mentioned fee shall be paid in the time allotted on the invoice presented. Failure to pay the damage fee will result in interruption of your water service and the standard reconnection fee will be added to the assessed damage fee. If you feel there is a problem with your meter, please call the District and do not do anything to your meter such as attempting a self-help remedy or solution.

The Board of Directors feels that this new system will be of benefit to everyone and requests your cooperation and understanding. If you have any questions regarding this new automated system, feel free to call the District office at 601-636-9124.